ENVIRONMENTAL Your Council shares your concerns about lake health. The following links provide information about activities that are helping to improve lake quality. Pigeon Lake Water Monitoring Buoy A Monitoring Buoy has been placed in the lake to monitor key factors such as weather, water temperature, oxygen levels and algae blooms.The public portal gives everyone the ability to view the raw data at any time. Click here to go to the Live Data site.https://wqdatalive.com/public/1495For more information, please see the News Release or Monitoring Buoy FAQ FireSmart Your Property FireSmart Alberta Website FireSmart Fact Sheet Home Ignition Zone Infographic Safety Tips Against Wildfires FireSmart "Begins at Home" Guide Pigeon Lake Water Monitoring Buoy Data The Pigeon Lake Watershed Management Plan PLWMP Update Oct 2017 Final The Pigeon Lake Watershed Association (PLWA)